Contact Information

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Personal Information

Let's begin with your full name

CV/Resume Profile

A hook that demonstrates your passion for the field

CV/Resume Profile

Segue to your background in the field

CV/Resume Profile

Description of your academic background in the field

CV/Resume Profile

Specific classes you have taken, given by name

CV/Resume Profile

Specific professors you have had, especially if well-known in that field

CV/Resume Profile

Extracurricular activities in the field

CV/Resume Profile

Publications or other professional accomplishments in the field perhaps conference presentations or public readings

CV/Resume Profile

Explanations about problems in the background if needed

CV/Resume Profile

Explanation of why you have chosen the specific grad school

CV/Resume Profile

Mention one or two professors in that school and what you know of and appreciate about their work for research or thesis programs

CV/Resume Profile

Specific features of the grad program which attract you

CV/Resume Profile

Link to application program you are applying to

CV/Resume Profile

In a few words, describe why you want to study in Canada

CV/Resume Profile

Upload your resume PDF, DOC, DOCX

CV/Resume Profile

Upload your cover letter PDF, DOC, DOCX

Additional Information

How did you hear about us?

Additional Information

Leave any additional comments you have

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