Contact Information

What is your email?

Personal Information

Let's begin with your full name

Personal Information

Country of citizenship?

Contact Information

Country of residence?

Contact Information

What is your phone number?

Personal Information

What is your gender?

Personal Information

How old are you?

Education Profile

What did you study in School?

Education Profile

What grade did you graduate with?

Education Profile

What program do you want study for postgraduate school?

Work Profile

What are your future career plans?

Education Profile

Do you already have a Scholarship?

Scholarship Profile

What information or research have you done so far? Include - any scholarship you have shortlisted and details such as links, etc.

Scholarship Profile

Any other relevant information any schools applied to or shortlisted or received any acceptance form, include details such as links, program, etc.

Work Profile

Are you currently employed?

Current position and years of experience

Language Profile

Have you taken an English Test?

Indicate English Test taken

What is the expiry date of your English Test?

Language Profile

What is the speaking score of your English Test?

What is the listening score of your English Test?

What is the writing score of your English Test?

What is the reading score of your English Test?

Language Profile

Have you taken an French Test?

Indicate French Test taken

What is the expiry date of your French Test?

Language Profile

What is the speaking score of your French Test?

What is the listening score of your French Test?

What is the writing score of your French Test?

What is the reading score of your French Test?

Additional Information

Indicate proof of funds

Education Profile

Do you currently have an acceptance letter from an approved school in Canada?

Please provide the following information about the school you have been accepted to

CV/Resume Profile

Upload your resume PDF, DOC, DOCX

Education Profile

Upload all applicable transcripts zipped files

Additional Information

How did you hear about us?

Additional Information

Leave any additional comments you have

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Application will be submitted.

Then you can proceed to create an appointment.